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Here is a detailed overview of how Audiobook Release Publishing compares with other production and publishing models.

We have put together the most complete Audiobook Production and Publishing service. 

An All In One Solution For Authors to Create, Self Publish and Sell their audiobooks.

We set you up with everything you need for a successful Audiobook Release. 

Including selling your audiobook on our marketplace where you keep 100% of royalty share.


Audiobook Release

High Quality Only.

Exceeding the basic ACX requirements. Checked by professional audio producers. Extra production care available by e-Audio Produxctions


Basic ACX requirements

Traditional Publishers

Basic ACX requirements


Audiobook Release

Author keeps full rights


Author keeps full rights or agrees to royalty share with narrator

Traditional Publishers

Publisher keeps full rights


Audiobook Release

Over 40 retailers including Audible + Shop Audiobooks free lifetime subscription. 


Audible, itunes

Traditional Publishers


Royalty Share

Audiobook Release

Audiobook Release has NO royalty share. Author keeps 100% on Shop Audiobooks


Author keeps 25% on non exclusive or 45% on exclusive

Traditional Publishers

Publisher keeps 50% to 80% of what is left after retailer and distributor share.


Audiobook Release

Various Marketing Options Including: Podcast Interview, Video Trailer, Social Media, Websites, Blogs and more



Traditional Publishers


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